Tuesday, November 17, 2009


For those of you who don't know...Tony and I, well...we really like countdowns. Like a lot. So, here are the countdowns as of today (November 17).

4 days until TONY is here in Arizona with ME!
9 days until the Turkey Bowl and eating ourselves silly and spending all day telling everyone what we're thankful for (and I assure you...we have a lot to be thankful for).
29 days until I'm done with my first semester of this lousy experience we call college and I'm on an airplane headed for Dallas and I never ever ever have to live with my roommate again.
38 days until CHRISTMAS although we might be a little delayed in all the celebrations because...
39 days until Whitney and Kemp fly in and I get to meet the rest of my most wonderful NEW family!
43 days until we ALL fly back to Arizona and my spectacular family gets to meet Tony's magnificent family.
AND...(and this is where things start to get real exciting!)
44 days until New Year's Eve which is the same day that I get to go to the TEMPLE for the very first time.
AND the most wonderful day of all...
46 days until Tony and I are sealed together for time and all eternity in the Mesa Arizona Temple!
Yep. It's true. We love countdowns.


  1. You are crazy with your countdowns, but I am so excited for you! Good luck with everything. Bring Tony to Thatcher to meet all your wild crazy cousins and Aunts and Uncles.

  2. you're so cute! haha..those are some serious countdows you've got going on..:) I'd love to meet this love of your life..well..the love of your eternity...but it seems that your time is packed!!!! I'll just squint my eyes real hard and tilt my head and pretend..:) jk. Have fun!

  3. Ahhhh... your countdowns are so exciting!! I'm so happy that there is so much love and anticipation and excitement and joy in your future. I can't wait to see it all unfold!! :D


Loves to you for leaving nice comments!