Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rangers Spring Training 2012

The Browns are huge Rangers fans.  [Yes, I'm a Brown.]  I once remember my mom telling me how she was never a big sports fan until she married my dad.  I inherited the love for playing and watching sports, but it was fun to see how my allegiance to baseball teams shifted when Husband came along (not that my allegiance to the Diamondbacks was ever very strong).  So, in our family we cheer for the Rangers.

 Cousin love.

 Not sure what to think of the grass.

 You gotta give a shout out to the Chik-fil-a Cow who was handing out coupons for free breakfast entrees if you took a picture with him.  Oh good golly, how we love Chik-fil-a breakfasts.

Hooray for beautiful Arizona springtime.  It was the perfect day for a baseball game.

This one made us chuckle..."NO DUMPING"

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